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Ianieri, N., & Bingham, W.P. (2024). LGBTQIA students in higher education: Approaches to student identity and policy. In K. Prieto & A. Herridge (Eds.), LGBTQIA Students in Higher Education: Approaches to Student Identity and Policy (pp. 111-130). IGI Global.

Kathuria, S., Zeng, F., Chiles, P., & Brunsting, N. C. (2023). Efficacy of an Implementation of a School-Based Global Competency Program for Adolescents [White Paper] RAISE.

Brunsting, N. C., Chiles, P. L., Harrison, J. K., Crippen, M. C., Kathuria, S., Bingham, W. P., Katsumoto, S., Chen, A., Holmes, A., & Li, L. (2023). Mapping the knowledge base in study abroad from U.S. universities: A scoping review from 2001-2020. International Journal of Intercultural Relations.

Bingham, W. P., Brunsting, N., & Katsumoto, S. (2023). A Systematic Literature Review on LGBT+ U.S. Students Studying Abroad. Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad35(1), 152–187.

Zeng, F., Brunsting, N. C., Jayawickreme, E., Kiang, L., Kathuria, S., & Brocato, N. (2022). Biopsychosocial Factors Associated with Depression among U.S. Undergraduate International Students. Journal of International Students, 12, 101-122.

Kiang, L., Brunsting, N. C., Zachry, C., He, Y., Takeuchi, R., & Tevis, T. (2021). Identity fusion of international students with different social groups and well-being outcomes: A longitudinal study. Journal of Studies in International Education, 25, 524-545. doi: 10.1177/1028315320932320

Brunsting, N. C., Zachry, C. E., Liu, J., Bryant, R., Fang, X., Wu, S., & Luo, X., (2021). Sources of perceived social support, social-emotional experiences, and psychological well-being of international students. Journal of Experimental Education. doi:10.1080/00220973.2019.1639598

Brunsting, N. C., Zachry, C. E., Michinski, M. M., & Kathuria, S. (2020). Intercultural competence semi-structured interview question protocol.

Luo, Z., Wu, S., Fang, X., & Brunsting, N. C. (2019). International students’ perceived language competence, domestic student support, and well-being at a U.S. university. Journal of International Students, 19, 954-971. doi: 10.32674/jis.v0i0.605

Brunsting, N. C., Mischinski, M. M., Wu, W., Tevis, T., Takeuchi, R., He, Y., Zheng, Y., & Coverdell, T. (2019). International Students’ Social Outcomes, Educational Status, and Country of High School Graduation. Journal of Studies in International Education, 23, 589-606. doi: 10.1177/1028315318825362

Brunsting, N. C., Zachry, C. E., & Takeuchi, R. (2018). International undergraduate student psychosocial adjustment at US universities: A systematic review from 2009 to 2017. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 66, 22-33. doi: 10.1016/j.ijintrel.2018.06.002

Brunsting, N. C., Smith, A. C., & Zachry, C. E. (2018). Academic and cultural transition course for undergraduate international students: Efficacy and socio-emotional outcomes. Journal of International Students, 8, 1497-1521. doi: 10.32674/jis.v8i4.213

Brunsting, N. C., Smart, J. W., Eisner, J., Liu, T., Coverdell, T., & Sun, W. (2017). Arrive prepared: An academic college transition program for international pre-college students. E-Source for College Transitions, 15, 9-12.