W. Patrick Bingham

W. Patrick Bingham, PhD
Acting Director & Assistant Director, RAISE Center

Research Assistant Professor, Contemporary Global Studies
Wake Forest University

Patrick’s research explores the experiences of LGBTQ+ students in study abroad contexts. Patrick’s experience in study abroad, international student services, lecturing, and with qualitative research methods supports RAISE Center projects, including Project RISE and Project GEO.

Junyuan Sarah Luo

Junyuan Luo
Graduate Research Assistant
RAISE Center
Wake Forest University

Sarah is pursuing her Masters in Psychology at Wake Forest University. She supports the updating of the AREA Database as well as qualitative coding support for Navigating Community and Identity Abroad.

Kline Harrison

Photo: Kline Harrison

Kline Harrison, PhD
Associate Vice President
Vice Provost for Global Affairs
Kemper Professor of Business
Wake Forest University

Kline’s research examines personality variables affecting cross-cultural adjustment for undergraduates studying abroad as well as factors which impact the effective functioning of expatriates in cross-cultural settings. His most recent line of inquiry investigates the impact of grit, cultural intelligence and reflection on study abroad students’ cross-cultural adaptation. Drawing on expertise in study abroad, organizational theory and behavior, and cross-cultural dynamics as well as experience developing collaborative initiatives with partner organizations and institutions throughout the world, Kline provides a global organizational perspective to the RAISE Center.

Xiatian Kate Chu

Kate Chu
Graduate Research Assistant
RAISE Center
Wake Forest University

Kate is pursuing her Masters in Psychology at Wake Forest University. She supports the updating of the AREA Database as well as literature reviews.